It was a glorious day at the pool yesterday. It wasn't too hot for opening day, which also meant it wasn't overly crowded. About the time that Tori was getting upset because she is still not tall enough to go down the water slide, one of her best friends walked in with her mom and sister. That meant that she had someone to play with and I had someone to chat with on the pool deck while Easton disappeared to the sand area for part of the afternoon.

It also meant that I wasn't paying attention to the warning signs of being hot and I let my skin become the color of a lobster - because I didn't re-apply the sunscreen.
So, just like you should make sure that you put sunscreen on before you leave the house, it is equally as important that you reapply the sunscreen when you're at the pool. When you don't, the next day is rather miserable while you recover from the sunburn.
However, if you do make the unfortunate mistake of forgetting to apply sunscreen, you can do damage control by applying aloe gel to your back on a frequent basis. Of course, the best way to not need aloe is to re-apply the sunscreen every hour while at the pool.
And other than the sunburn, yesterday was a pretty delightful day opening up the summer swimming season at Noelridge Aquatic Center in Cedar Rapids.